Radiant Wellbeing and Empowered Living

Kundalini Yoga, Meditation Classes and Sacred Wellbeing Tools

Are you ready to bring more happiness and abundance into your life?

This is something we all want, so why can being happy and healthy see so hard at times?

We just have one purpose whilst we are here, just one thing......

 To be Happy!

And express that in the world in our own unique way.

And that's True Happiness. It's unconditional. It's not based on how much money you earn, what your relationship status is, or what the weather is like! 

Life can be crazeeeeeee but you are still vibrating at PURE JOY!

Many people think it is enlightenment that we are chasing. It's not, because if this didn't make us happy we wouldn't go after it. 

It's ironic that striving for happiness and enlightenment actually causes more suffering. This is why so many of the "solutions" don't work on a deeper level and distract us.

We usually look outside of ourselves rather than realising we are already that which we are seeking.

In the middle of all the chaos, it can be difficult to find even though it is right under our nose.

The search for objects, activities, and relationships outside of ourselves is usually constant.

In the end, these never provide us with the true, lasting happiness that is the fabric of our essence.

Explore Your Journey to Innate Happiness with the Monthly Class Pass

Join our transformative classes to uncover your True Essence, Inner Harmony, Prosperity and Empowerment

  • Kundalini Yoga Classes

    Clear out your subconscious, feel the bliss, and strengthen your immune, digestive, glandular, and nervous systems so you can cultivate resilience, neutrality, and imperturbable peace.

  • Meditation is Medicine

    Get drunk on the divine, start saying goodbye to your toxic monkey mind and tension so you can reach such deep states of relaxation, you will only be able to experience bliss or laugh!

  • Beingness Meditations

    Experience the profound shift that comes from uncovering your true essence through our Beingness meditations. Let go of self-doubt, scarcity, and frustrations, and embrace a life of inner peace and abundance.

  • Focus, Finish, and Flourish Sessions

    Are you ready to make progress on what matters most? Whether it's updating your CV, paying bills, creating art, exploring new opportunities, meditating, planning a new business, or journaling.

    This 2.5-hour session provides the space to focus on what excites you, what’s most important, or what you’ve been putting off.

    Carve out time to flourish in your creative and personal pursuits.

    Join us and transform your to-do list into a celebration of accomplishment!

  • Membership Site

    Unlock unlimited access to our membership site featuring over 50 exclusive classes. Practice anytime, anywhere, and deepen your journey with diverse Kundalini Yoga and meditation sessions designed for ultimate transformation and growth.

    These practices are designed to cultivate resilience, inner strength, and clarity, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with confidence. Experience enhanced well-being, unlock your potential, and embrace success with a calm and focused mind. Integrate these teachings into your life and witness profound, lasting transformation.

  • Sacred Wellness Toolkit

    Discover sacred yoga tools tailored for your needs. From quick power boosts and headache relief to nourishing recipes, this curated collection is designed to uplift your well-being.

    Enhance your vitality with practices that build inner strength, promote mental clarity, and restore balance. These tools empower you to navigate daily life with confidence, cultivate lasting prosperity, and maintain a harmonious mind-body connection.

    Integrate them into your routine and experience a deeper sense of wellness and fulfillment.


Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"I was struggling with fear and anxiety. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it!"

Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"When I started working with Ram-Inder I was struggling with fear and anxiety.

I felt paralysed, stuck, was having anxiety dreams, feeling out of control and stressed, working long hours and feeling I was not getting anywhere.

For me the energy shift was most important - I work a lot intellectually and read and think - this programme worked for me on an energy level, which is exactly what I needed.

I did have a significant shift in terms of fear and anxiety. I feel it is important to give yourself the space and time. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it.

I love Ram-Inder's energy and enthusiasm, how she is always positive and smiling. I felt really supported and cared for and she created a safe space."

Your True Nature is Unconditional Joy in all circumstances.

This Deep Peace and Bliss is always there for you, just like the blue sky, but the clouds of the mind can obstruct your view.


Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

"Physical issues are eliminated, and I’m regularly told I am glowing, looking really well, I’m very calm! Highly recommended."

Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

“ I was struggling with the relationship breakdown, digestion issues, lack of energy, and migraines.

I had tried self-help books, talking therapies, and Chinese medicine.

Ram-Inders gentle approach shifted some deep emotional issues - both current and historic.

Digestion issues have completely disappeared, general aches and pains are gone, my immune system is stronger, sinuses are massively improved, migraines are now a rarity.

On an emotional/psychological issue, I feel a lot stronger and energetic, do not get phased by life's ups and downs, am clear-headed and just generally feel very happy!

On top of that I'm regularly told I am 'glowing', looking really well, and very calm! Highly recommended.”


Ram-Inder Rai

Ram-Inder Rai

Empowering you to enhance your vitality, inner peace, and happiness levels. Then you can enjoy your success AND life outside of work without sacrificing your health, boundaries, or relationships.

Ram-Inder Rai is an experienced Certified Empowerment, Well-being and Leadership Coach, SRT Practitioner, Kundalini Therapist, Sound Healer, Inner Alchemist, and the creator of The Flourishing Business Queen™️, The Happiness and Abundance Accelerator™️, and Suffering to Self Mastery™️.

Life events and her corporate career led to years of suffering with chronic stress, burnout, anxiety, PTSD, depression, and various physical ailments.

She was horrified to find that self-employment, eating healthily, meditation, shelf-help books, and working less didn't cure these things!

Ram-Inder's passion for eradicating distress and attaining inner peace and happiness shone through. She is now dedicated to serving others in breaking free from suffering, activating their core energy, and unlocking their unlimited potential.

She empowers corporate management/execs, health care providers, and business owners to transform imbalances such as anger, negative stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, grief, money blocks, PMT, menopause, headaches, monkey mind drama, PTSD, and digestive issues into more vitality, prosperity, resilience, and harmony.

All without moving to a desert island, taking drugs, or winning the lottery!


Marie G Business Consultant and Coach. France

"The coaching I received was THE key step to start living a life with confidence and power. All I desire comes more easily, and I am forever grateful to have worked with her."

Marie G Business Consultant and Coach. France

“The coaching I received around energy leadership remains THE key step I needed to allow me to start living a life with confidence and power.

At the end of the day it is about accepting all of who we are (and discovering what that is) and that created a liberation and a feeling of peace and joy in the process of life.

From there, all what I desired started to come more easily. However, it is practically impossible to get there on our own.

Ram-Inder exudes a fundamental strong energy. The type of energy that is ready to love you while challenging your stories so you can reconnect to what truly matters to you and your unlimited potential. She’s warm, fun, clever and intuitive but beyond everything, she is able to hold your hand all the way in the real world in a very powerful way for an equally powerful transformation.

I am forever grateful to have worked with her!”

Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

"Physical issues are eliminated, and I’m regularly told I am glowing, looking really well, I’m very calm! Highly recommended."

Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

“ I was struggling with the relationship breakdown, digestion issues, lack of energy, and migraines.

I had tried self-help books, talking therapies, and Chinese medicine.

Ram-Inders gentle approach shifted some deep emotional issues - both current and historic.

Digestion issues have completely disappeared, general aches and pains are gone, my immune system is stronger, sinuses are massively improved, migraines are now a rarity.

On an emotional/psychological issue, I feel a lot stronger and energetic, do not get phased by life's ups and downs, am clear-headed and just generally feel very happy!

On top of that I'm regularly told I am 'glowing', looking really well, and very calm! Highly recommended.”

Sue. Business Mentor, Life Coach and Transformational Therapist. UK

"12 months after my last session I am in a great place, happier, healthier, more relaxed. This is a sign of a great coach, the changes we worked on stuck!"

Sue. Business Mentor, Life Coach and Transformational Therapist. UK

“When Ram Inder and I started working together, I was living with ongoing, relentless stress.

Although I’d made good progress in knitting myself back together again after physical and mental burnout a year or so earlier; I’d become a smaller, quieter, less colourful version of myself.

Situations that I once would have handled with ease and panache floored me. I knew I had to find a way to manage the stress but the overwhelm left me stuck in avoidance.

I came to Ram Inder after 30 years working with blue chips and I was completely unused to putting myself first. My family came first, my work a close second, and my physical, mental and spiritual health was shot.

Ram Inder’s healing practices helped me to create the space and time to process the events that led to the burnout – and they taught me that there are different ways to be.

As a coach Ram Inder listens deeply, she holds the space. I feel safe. She helps me find my truth and hold myself accountable.

She is simply there to help me move forward.

But what makes Ram Inder truly special is her intuition: she reaches in to feel what’s going on beneath the words, underneath all the thinking: she follows the thread, helps me summarise, highlights what I miss when I’m stuck in my story and is simply present with me in the most empathetic way.

This is the best kind of magic.

Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"I was struggling with fear and anxiety. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it!"

Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"When I started working with Ram-Inder I was struggling with fear and anxiety.

I felt paralysed, stuck, was having anxiety dreams, feeling out of control and stressed, working long hours and feeling I was not getting anywhere.

For me the energy shift was most important - I work a lot intellectually and read and think - this programme worked for me on an energy level, which is exactly what I needed.

I did have a significant shift in terms of fear and anxiety. I feel it is important to give yourself the space and time. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it.

I love Ram-Inder's energy and enthusiasm, how she is always positive and smiling. I felt really supported and cared for and she created a safe space."

Victoria S - Director Workplace Healthcare Ltd

“My experience working with Ram Inder is incredible. It has truly changed my life.”

Victoria S - Director Workplace Healthcare Ltd

"I had practised hatha yoga for about 25 years on and off, and when I started working with Ram Inder I could feel the change in my body on so many levels.

I was experiencing complete burnout, small child, family bereavement and sleepless nights had left my body really suffering. Chronic hives, sore throats and frequent colds and illness were accompanied by feeling so tired I couldn't function.

Quite quickly changes started in my body, my mind, my whole being.

It is a journey and I feel so grateful for Ram Inder's wonderful teaching style.

Life is busy at the moment and due to circumstances I cannot carry out my full daily practice, so I have been doing 10 minutes a day when I wake up, before anyone needs me.

Just 10 minutes - and it is amazing!

I really recommend it - it brings me back to me, to who I am, and helps hold me for the day so that I can connect in with myself and ensure my decisions and actions are coming from me and not my conditioning.

So, these years later and my hives are almost non existent (from being huge and a daily source of worry) no more sore throats, fabulous sleep! I encourage anyone to try just 10 minutes a day....

I really recommend everything Ram Inder offers, she is a first class teacher, such value for money, what a transformation.

Thank you Ram Inder.”

Yiangos K Neurosurgical Nurse Practitioner, Cypress

"Outstanding, powerful, she cares for your wellbeing, for you thriving and showing up in your highest form."

Yiangos K Neurosurgical Nurse Practitioner, Cypress

"Outstanding, powerful and comprehensive are just few words to describe the power of presence and essence that Ram Inder coaches you from.

You can tell with absolute certainty that she cares for your well being, for you thriving and showing up in your highest form. I have had several sessions with her and every time she shows up 100% committed to leverage my energy to another level and help me rest in being.

Just in one session you can feel more connected to your true power and inner wisdom. She engages with you in a supportive and encouraging way and she makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world.

I can not recommend her enough!"

Jane B Skin Care Specialist, Entrepreneur, UK

"Ram-Inder is in touch on a much deeper level than other teachers Ive met, she encompasses the whole package and I will follow her wherever she teaches."

Jane B Skin Care Specialist, Entrepreneur, UK

“I have always practiced different forms of meditation, spiritual practices, etc, but have drifted through them over the years.

I fell in love with Kundalini and Ram Inders method of teaching this wonderful practice.

It is very difficult to find someone who you can really connect with and feel totally safe with as quite often we are in vulnerable times of our lives when we look to such disciplines as Yoga etc. for guidance and help.

Ram Inder for me is extremely professional, and also in touch on a much deeper level than other teachers I have met.

She encompasses the whole package and I will follow her wherever she teaches.”

Leyla K, Business Analyst, London

"I always leave feeling inspired, grounded, expanded and the list goes on. these practices are very special to me and have changed my life, for the better, I am forever grateful."

Leyla K, Business Analyst, London

"I always leave Ram-Inder's sessions feeling inspired, grounded, expanded and the list goes on.

A safe space is created where I feel I can move beyond the day to day and really connect with my inner self and most importantly be present.

It's clear that Ram-Inder puts a lot of effort into her sessions, you certainly won't ever get bored, these practices are very special to me and have changed my life, for the better, I am forever grateful."

Pricing Options

Join now to receive 66% discount.

(Save £108 with the Early Bird Discount)

  • £55.00

    Early Bird Price

    (Full Price £163)

    Join Now

Happiness cant be found from external sources.

It is what you are, not something you do.

Take back your power, and give yourself permission to move forwards with grace, ease and flow.

Your time is now!


If you're tired of wasting time and money on shelf-help books, courses, therapies, and self-growth techniques that don't produce the results you expected, I'm here to help.

Regardless of how many approaches you have tried and even if you think you do not have time, there is always a way out.

I began my obsession with finding the way out of  suffering and into inner peace back in 1997.

I am passionate about passing on these tools so that more people can empower themselves. Most don't realise how easy and quick it can be with the right techniques.

AND I love love love to provide experiences so you can vastly accelerate your journey.

Through a multidisciplinary approach, you will learn cutting-edge techniques, as well as systems that have proven their worth over thousands of years. Then you can take years, or even off your wellness journey.

By holding a safe and neutral space for you, free of judgment, you will feel supported, celebrated, and championed.

Say goodbye to procrastination as you create the energy to break through your roadblocks.

When things get tough you can claim the gift of the situation so you can enjoy a deep sense of freedom.

I look forward to connecting and sharing these amazing practices with you.

Pricing Options

Join now to receive 66% discount.

(Save £108 with the Early Bird Discount)

  • £55.00

    Early Bird Price

    (Full Price £163)

    Join Now


Yiangos K Neurosurgical Nurse Practitioner, Cypress

"Outstanding, powerful, she cares for your wellbeing, for you thriving and showing up in your highest form."

Yiangos K Neurosurgical Nurse Practitioner, Cypress

"Outstanding, powerful and comprehensive are just few words to describe the power of presence and essence that Ram Inder coaches you from.

You can tell with absolute certainty that she cares for your well being, for you thriving and showing up in your highest form. I have had several sessions with her and every time she shows up 100% committed to leverage my energy to another level and help me rest in being.

Just in one session you can feel more connected to your true power and inner wisdom. She engages with you in a supportive and encouraging way and she makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world.

I can not recommend her enough!"

Jane B Skin Care Specialist, Entrepreneur, UK

"Ram-Inder is in touch on a much deeper level than other teachers Ive met, she encompasses the whole package and I will follow her wherever she teaches."

Jane B Skin Care Specialist, Entrepreneur, UK

“I have always practiced different forms of meditation, spiritual practices, etc, but have drifted through them over the years.

I fell in love with Kundalini and Ram Inders method of teaching this wonderful practice.

It is very difficult to find someone who you can really connect with and feel totally safe with as quite often we are in vulnerable times of our lives when we look to such disciplines as Yoga etc. for guidance and help.

Ram Inder for me is extremely professional, and also in touch on a much deeper level than other teachers I have met.

She encompasses the whole package and I will follow her wherever she teaches.”

Leyla K, Business Analyst, London

"I always leave feeling inspired, grounded, expanded and the list goes on. these practices are very special to me and have changed my life, for the better, I am forever grateful."

Leyla K, Business Analyst, London

"I always leave Ram-Inder's sessions feeling inspired, grounded, expanded and the list goes on.

A safe space is created where I feel I can move beyond the day to day and really connect with my inner self and most importantly be present.

It's clear that Ram-Inder puts a lot of effort into her sessions, you certainly won't ever get bored, these practices are very special to me and have changed my life, for the better, I am forever grateful."

Marie G Business Consultant and Coach. France

"The coaching I received was THE key step to start living a life with confidence and power. All I desire comes more easily, and I am forever grateful to have worked with her."

Marie G Business Consultant and Coach. France

“The coaching I received around energy leadership remains THE key step I needed to allow me to start living a life with confidence and power.

At the end of the day it is about accepting all of who we are (and discovering what that is) and that created a liberation and a feeling of peace and joy in the process of life.

From there, all what I desired started to come more easily. However, it is practically impossible to get there on our own.

Ram-Inder exudes a fundamental strong energy. The type of energy that is ready to love you while challenging your stories so you can reconnect to what truly matters to you and your unlimited potential. She’s warm, fun, clever and intuitive but beyond everything, she is able to hold your hand all the way in the real world in a very powerful way for an equally powerful transformation.

I am forever grateful to have worked with her!”

Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

"Physical issues are eliminated, and I’m regularly told I am glowing, looking really well, I’m very calm! Highly recommended."

Maxine D, Finance Project Manager, UK

“ I was struggling with the relationship breakdown, digestion issues, lack of energy, and migraines.

I had tried self-help books, talking therapies, and Chinese medicine.

Ram-Inders gentle approach shifted some deep emotional issues - both current and historic.

Digestion issues have completely disappeared, general aches and pains are gone, my immune system is stronger, sinuses are massively improved, migraines are now a rarity.

On an emotional/psychological issue, I feel a lot stronger and energetic, do not get phased by life's ups and downs, am clear-headed and just generally feel very happy!

On top of that I'm regularly told I am 'glowing', looking really well, and very calm! Highly recommended.”

Sue. Business Mentor, Life Coach and Transformational Therapist. UK

"12 months after my last session I am in a great place, happier, healthier, more relaxed. This is a sign of a great coach, the changes we worked on stuck!"

Sue. Business Mentor, Life Coach and Transformational Therapist. UK

“When Ram Inder and I started working together, I was living with ongoing, relentless stress.

Although I’d made good progress in knitting myself back together again after physical and mental burnout a year or so earlier; I’d become a smaller, quieter, less colourful version of myself.

Situations that I once would have handled with ease and panache floored me. I knew I had to find a way to manage the stress but the overwhelm left me stuck in avoidance.

I came to Ram Inder after 30 years working with blue chips and I was completely unused to putting myself first. My family came first, my work a close second, and my physical, mental and spiritual health was shot.

Ram Inder’s healing practices helped me to create the space and time to process the events that led to the burnout – and they taught me that there are different ways to be.

As a coach Ram Inder listens deeply, she holds the space. I feel safe. She helps me find my truth and hold myself accountable.

She is simply there to help me move forward.

But what makes Ram Inder truly special is her intuition: she reaches in to feel what’s going on beneath the words, underneath all the thinking: she follows the thread, helps me summarise, highlights what I miss when I’m stuck in my story and is simply present with me in the most empathetic way.

This is the best kind of magic.

Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"I was struggling with fear and anxiety. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it!"

Anne S - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

"When I started working with Ram-Inder I was struggling with fear and anxiety.

I felt paralysed, stuck, was having anxiety dreams, feeling out of control and stressed, working long hours and feeling I was not getting anywhere.

For me the energy shift was most important - I work a lot intellectually and read and think - this programme worked for me on an energy level, which is exactly what I needed.

I did have a significant shift in terms of fear and anxiety. I feel it is important to give yourself the space and time. I felt fearless by the end and applied for a new job and got it.

I love Ram-Inder's energy and enthusiasm, how she is always positive and smiling. I felt really supported and cared for and she created a safe space."

Victoria S - Director Workplace Healthcare Ltd

“My experience working with Ram Inder is incredible. It has truly changed my life.”

Victoria S - Director Workplace Healthcare Ltd

"I had practised hatha yoga for about 25 years on and off, and when I started working with Ram Inder I could feel the change in my body on so many levels.

I was experiencing complete burnout, small child, family bereavement and sleepless nights had left my body really suffering. Chronic hives, sore throats and frequent colds and illness were accompanied by feeling so tired I couldn't function.

Quite quickly changes started in my body, my mind, my whole being.

It is a journey and I feel so grateful for Ram Inder's wonderful teaching style.

Life is busy at the moment and due to circumstances I cannot carry out my full daily practice, so I have been doing 10 minutes a day when I wake up, before anyone needs me.

Just 10 minutes - and it is amazing!

I really recommend it - it brings me back to me, to who I am, and helps hold me for the day so that I can connect in with myself and ensure my decisions and actions are coming from me and not my conditioning.

So, these years later and my hives are almost non existent (from being huge and a daily source of worry) no more sore throats, fabulous sleep! I encourage anyone to try just 10 minutes a day....

I really recommend everything Ram Inder offers, she is a first class teacher, such value for money, what a transformation.

Thank you Ram Inder.”

Monthly Class Schedule

(Please see class timetables below)

Two 60-Minute Monday Kundalini Yoga Classes

Two 60-Minute Wednesday "Meditation is Medicine" Classes

One 90-Minute Moonlit Kundalini Glow Class (held on either the full or new moon)

One Weekend 2-Hour Kundalini Yoga Class and Gong Bath

One 2.5-Hour "Get it Done: Focus, Finish, and Flourish" Session

Note: Beginners are warmly welcomed, and all classes can be tailored to accommodate any limitations or injuries you may have. However, if you are pregnant, please contact us before booking.

All classes are conducted via Zoom and are recorded. If you miss a session or wish to deepen your experience, you can revisit the recording.

Feeling the desire for more?

If you would like to move faster, want extra support, or dive deeper with 1-1 sessions click below for a free breakthrough call

This is for you if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired! You want more freedom, vitality and peace in your life. You have some big scary goals you want to excel with.

(If this isn't for you I will point you in another direction.)

Free Breakthrough Call